Monday, May 3, 2010

Missed it!


I recently undertook a journey with my classmates as a school trip that required us to travel for 36 hours one way(and then the other way too!!!).

These chattis hours of the Chhattisgarh express have dawned a realisation upon me. The mobile fetish has gripped the human world. Every owner of a pair of hands had a mobile in his hand. Constant messaging, chatting, gaming and listening to songs was all that was going around me.

First the continuous click- clacks of the never tired texting hands and then the emotions related to the SMSs. I know of one of my companion who was so attached to her messages that she would burst out crying on receiving a reply and the situation was no different if she didn’t! She would at times not eat all together and at some rare instances she would burst out laughing as if no one else understood the joke! Yes her mobile had made some weird effect on her!

The mobile was so invented to bring the near ones closer, but rather it has parted to a large extent, the near ones. No one has any time to look up and talk. The personal contacts were formed and broken…

No one was ready to enjoy the tranquil twilight breeze that blew outside the window rather they seemed far more interested in the windows XP that worked on their lofty models. A silent competition prevailed- I must have that phone! The worst times were when the noiseless competition grew into a violent war for the charging booth.

I soon realized the implications –they all missed the beautiful scenery that went past my eyes but I pity those who only saw the message pass into the other phone. The chilly fog didn’t make a way through their hair, the beautiful patterns it made amidst the trees. The pretty red flowers that bloomed in the dark green bushes and the silvery dew that still slept on the delicate petal bed…

Yet all I could do, is feel sorry!

1 comment:

  1. the ubiquitious cell phone does seem to have replaced most of our grey cells hasn't it?
