Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Back, Published and Interviewed!

"The pen is mightier than a sword."

-and none can convince me otherwise......

Last month I told you that I was headed to Mumbai to participate in the second round of Classmate Ideas for India contest and ...I am Back!

I was one of the most amazing experiences of my life(still a short life; more to come!). I had prepared well and was ready wearing a new sleeveless red top and white jeans; but somehow, for some unknown reason my adrenaline levels shot up and I took to wishing that our taxi looses its way but that did not happen as I was travelling with my mother, someone too well versed with with the city, enough to baffle cab drivers trying to take us for a toss thinking us to be outsiders.

However, we reached the hotel at the right time and proceeded towards the registration area. This was outside the main hotel premises and the scorching sun seemed to burn through my arms...I had forgotten sunscreen! Consciousness started to engulf me as I wanted to look perfect on that special day and all I got was sweat on my neck as I baked in the hot sun, no dressing on my arms and a topping of my waist length hair over my back.Believe me; Horrible.

It was a relief to get inside the air conditioned hall where we were to give our presentations. I found a vacant seat right in the front and my heart started to beat so hard that it was actually thumping! nevertheless, I was glad, I was there and that my chance came after lunch...

One guy suggested prototypes of new taps that would refuse to open if there was no water in the pipeline and then there was the dangerous idea of the guy who said he would install such gadgets in every car that would sense alcohol in the driver's body and then refuse to start!

The rest went on uneventfully, until the results were declared and the tap guy got into the final round.
Also, the judge appreciated me and my idea and said so aloud to every one. I felt ecstatic!

Everything seemed so normal and I came back home. As usual I reached out for the morning's newspaper and found that the 71St convention of the Indian Roads Congress was being held in my own city and found it amusing that this should have happened right after I returned after giving a presentation on bringing up the quality of roads.

The though of having my idea published in the newspaper crossed my mind but I did not pay it any heed to it (I agree that I should have being a WB student). later my Mother read the article and started to tell me of more fantastic things like going to the IRC or the municipal corporation and that too in a tone which suggested that I was a huge dimwit and had missed the opportunity of my life! She was actually, SCOLDING me!

Nevertheless, we finally went to the 'Hitavada' office and directly spoke to the editor there. He hardly looked at the write up and said that he was ready to print it and added that it would come mostly in the next day's newspaper. I did note that 'mostly ' from his sentence and could hope only for the best. the next day was a Saturday and there was no trace of my article.

Later that afternoon, I got a phone call from my school and they asked me whether I had submitted any article. For a moment I felt relived and thought that I had overlooked it in the morning but it was somewhere in the paper and I actually asked him: " Has it come?!!!" ( the exclamation in my voice was so evident that even though my WB tutor suggests against it, I feel compelled to use quadruple punctuation marks at once.)

But the reply on the other end was not in affirmative. He then went through lengths explaining that the news office had called them to ask for a soft copy and my photograph so that it could be printed. This news however, gave me no joy instead I hung up the phone in a haste and started to cry and weep like hell!

I somehow felt betrayed.

When I went to the editor, I expected that my article came in any small but normal area of the paper. But after I got the call, I somehow was sure that they had considered my piece for the weekly special youth page(the page, according to me, no one reads...)( though people do read that column, I wanted mine to come along with the normal others). I didn't like this idea and regretted that I would have to wait for  the Tuesday's paper to finally see my article in print.

As expected there was nothing in the Sunday's paper and I again took to a fit if wailing!
I made a big fuss out of it but my mother cut me short and told me that I had no right to insult my Alma Mater at least after the fact that they were the ones who brought out my talent of acting and anchoring and they being the ones who made all of the "High Profile" Nagpur know me...
Somewhere I knew she was so right.

Then came Monday morning and  voilĂ ! There it was! I was made to realise that life isn't all unfair! Things might take time to come your way but they do for certain...
More than quarter of a page!


Not only had they printed the article, but also given a small write up on me!

I felt so guilty...

Nevertheless, I basked I the glory of this achievement as I received a number of calls of appreciation. Then rang another call. It was from school and this time I profusely thanked them...and got over the guilt!
But the call was for more than mere appreciation...'Radio Mirchi' wanted an interview with me!
Private radio in in India can be known by no other better name, the largest private radio channel, the most popular and always tuned in on me set; RADIO MIRCHI!


Could there be a better expression?

The next day the whole thing about the interview and all ended. At least that's what I thought...
The merchant navy group of our family friends decide to give me a Party!

Party?...Fun?....They asked me to give the whole presentation there!

Never mind...

Just returned from there.
But wanted to finish posting before, in a few hours, November ends...

P.S. : I agree that they did not pay me or any thing of that sort and also changed one single word in the article that changed the whole sense (I to she) but in the whole I liked it a lot...In print for the first time officially is just so great.


  1. Well done on getting your article published, that is such an amazing achievement and you should be very proud!

  2. Thanks!
    It was a real boost; the article and your comment( for it shows that at least someone takes the pains of reading this crazy site!)
    ( I know that with out much illustrations and low frequency, it must really be a drag...painful)
